WhatsApp Messenger iOS 7 Updated, Download Now

WhatsApp iOS 7 update arrived. You can update now from App Store. If you have enable automatic downloads of update then surprise guaranteed. Millions of iPhone users been waiting since iOS 7 release and finally WhatsApp messenger update for iOS 7 released today and the version is 2.11.5. Lets explore the new feature additions and how the new design and user interface feels. We posted about WhatsApp iOS 7 update to arrive soon last week and here we have now.


Now its going to be little confusing to find the difference between Facebook Messenger on iOS 7 and Whatsapp Messenger on iOS 7 as both looks very similar in design and user interface. One big relief for me is the new iOS 7 style keyboard. Apple may release iOS 7.1 update soon which includes some keyboard tweaks to make it better than now. WhatsApp messenger iOS 7 design and user interface is clean and very friendly now.

WhatsApp iOS 7 Update

If you have turned off automatic App store downloads, then it is time to update WhatsApp and see how the new design looks and feels in your hand. So Whats new in WhatsApp iOS 7 update ?

Broadcasts Lists – this new feature in whatsapp allows you to send messages simultaneously to many people who have your number in their contacts list. It is not possible to send messages to people who dont have your number in their contact list. Group messaging is still there where you can add any people in your contact list and start sending messages.

Improved Location Sharing – Whatsapp has made some improvements to the location sharing feature, where you can share 3D map view, hide places or search places while sharing location with your friends via whatsapp.

New Notification Alerts and Sounds – now you can select different alert sounds for whatsapp messages. Choose from iOS 7 alerts and sounds list and set one for individual whatsapp message or for a group message. It is still not possible to choose your custom tone.

iOS Text Size Settings – If you have changes your text size to Bold or larger in “Settings – General – Text Size” then you will see the changes in whatsapp as well. Just like default messaging app in iOS 7, whatsapp will look very similar to it for better user experience.

Improved Blocked Contacts – New interface for managing all your blocked contacts. Go to Whatsapp Settings – Chat Settings – Blocked to access the list of blocked contacts.

Crop Images – Now you can crop images before sending them or uploading them in WhatsApp.

Improved WhatsApp Backup – You can backup all your conversations to iCloud and you will see a prompt while setting up the new WhatsApp after updated. Also you can access it under “WhatsApp Settings – Chat Settings – Chat Backup” and select how and when the backup process should be done.

Large Thumb Images – Thumb images are now little bigger so you can see more details in the image.

Once you have updated the very first screen you see is “Optimizing WhatsApp” which optimizes your existing whatsapp conversations to new design.


I have set the texts to “Bold” under Text size in iOS 7 settings, so you can see the configuration picks up here very well and makes it looks clear and readable than default thin font style. Navigation buttons at the bottom just like Facebook Messenger app for iOS 7.


Finally, the new iOS 7 keyboard on whatsapp. No more crashes or hangs just because of the keyboard. You will no more have to use the old keyboard 🙂


I am using it for couple of hours and so far its totally perfect. No crashes or slow downs in Whatsapp while chatting in individual or group messages till now. Have you updated ? what do you think about this updated whatsapp on iOS 7 ? Share your views with us in the comment box below, also you may share this post with your friends and followers across Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Have a wonderful day.

About the Author: Robin C

Security Consultant, Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.

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